Emergency Dentistry in Vancouver, WA

A crisis with your smile can be frightening and can leave you wondering just how bad the damage is, or even if is permanent. Instead of worrying, call Two Rivers Dentistry at 360-256-1202. Our dentist, Dr. Vaughn Teuscher, and our team can schedule you for an appointment for emergency dentistry in Vancouver, Washington, as soon as possible.

Every year, one in six people suffer from a dental emergency. If you have an oral injury or condition that requires urgent treatment, come to our office for emergency dental care services. Dr. Vaughn Teuscher has practiced dentistry for more than 30 years, so he has treated a wide variety of dental emergencies.

You do not have to suffer from sore gums or teeth any longer. Allow our caring and knowledgeable team to relieve your pain and restore your smile.

What qualifies as a dental emergency?

While dental emergencies are common, not every dental issue requires treatment right away. For example, a mild toothache that is not accompanied with a fever or swelling can likely wait a few days. If you are unsure whether your condition requires emergency dental care services, check out this list of qualifying situations:

  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Broken or cracked tooth
  • Loose tooth
  • Dental abscess
  • Inflammation around erupting tooth
  • Severe bleeding from mouth
  • Swollen gums and/or face

If you are experiencing any of the above, make an appointment with our dental clinic as soon as possible.

What should you do about it?

If you have a dental emergency, you can do some things to mitigate the damage and manage the pain. Here are some steps to take for a few different situations:

  • Knocked-out tooth. Pick up the tooth by the crown (never the roots), rinse it off and place it back in the socket. If repositioning the tooth is not possible, then store it in milk or saliva. For the best chance of saving the tooth, see the dentist within half an hour.
  • Missing filling or crown. If you lose a filling, you can fill the hole with a piece of sugar-free gum. In the case of a missing crown, use denture adhesive or dental cement to reattach it until you can come into the office.
  • Toothache. For temporary relief, rinse out your mouth with salt water, apply a pain-relieving gel to the affected gums or use a cold compress on your cheek.