Closys Oral Rinse | Two Rivers Dentistry Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:55:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pioneering Dental Breakthrough: Fluoride In A Nutshell Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:55:09 +0000 Written by Dr. Vaughn Teuscher at Two Rivers Dentistry Many of my patients ask what they can do to help fight cavities. We go over their diet to make sure they are not ingesting sugary products and acidic beverages on a daily basis. We look at their family history, genetics and their environment and risk [...]

The post Pioneering Dental Breakthrough: Fluoride In A Nutshell first appeared on Two Rivers Dentistry.

Written by Dr. Vaughn Teuscher at Two Rivers Dentistry

Many of my patients ask what they can do to help fight cavities. We go over their diet to make sure they are not ingesting sugary products and acidic beverages on a daily basis. We look at their family history, genetics and their environment and risk factors.  In addition, one of the best ways to protect their teeth is the use of fluoride which is nature’s cavity fighter.

Fluoride is a mineral found in nature that combines with the calcium in the enamel of your teeth to make it more resistant to decay. We can get fluoride in two ways. One way is in our water supply when it is swallowed and the other is when applied to the tooth surface, such as with fluoride toothpaste. Many communities add fluoride to their tap water at a very low dose of 0.7 milligrams of fluoride, per liter of water, which is the recommended level for drinking water.  This strategy has a 75-year track record of safe and effective prevention of cavities. Before this, children had about three times as many cavities. If someone lives in a more rural environment, they can get fluoride supplements or over-the-counter fluoride products to help lower the risk.

Many of our patients require prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste with hydroxyapatite, which helps utilize the calcium and phosphate demineralization in addition to the fluoride topically. The fluoride varnishes we apply after the maintenance cleanings also help to prevent the epidemic of root caries and decay that is rampant.

We just received a new batch of varnish from 3M that is water soluble, so it does not have the “thick, gummy feeling” of the traditional varnishes and a person can eat and drink in 15 minutes, instead of one hour. It is four times the cost for us compared to the regular varnishes, but we do not charge extra for it because our patients love it so much and not one person has ever complained of the taste. These revolutionary products can dramatically reduce tooth decay and remineralize the teeth, saving both time and money in replacing old restorations and placing new ones.

For small children under three years of age, place no more than a grain-of-rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste on the brush and make sure children do not swallow it.  For ages three to six, a pea-size amount is sufficient and for older children more is not better, make sure they get the proper amount and are spitting it out after brushing.  Fluoride pills, drops or lozenges can be prescribed for children between six months to 16 years old who live in areas where there is no fluoride in the water.  They should take a daily dose until the child is 16 years old.  These supplements are only available by prescription.

We are seeing tremendous success with these fluoride products in addition to the Cari Free products and Closys Oral Rinse we carry in our office.  It is one of the best methods we have for reducing tooth decay and preventing a lot of problems over time.  Most of our patients are keeping their teeth into their 90’s and beyond which provides a lot of satisfaction to see that these methods and products truly do work.  If you have any questions about fluoride or fluoride products please do not hesitate to call us at 360-256-1202 and let us know your concerns.

The post Pioneering Dental Breakthrough: Fluoride In A Nutshell first appeared on Two Rivers Dentistry.
